Friday, September 30, 2011

Another Call

Got a text from Fuzz that said, "I'm leaving now.  Let me find my way to the highway and I'll call you."

About a second later one of my bestfriends sent me a text asking if my hubby was on his way home yet.  

Then he called.  

He still has a few hours worth of driving to get home.  I will definitely be watching the clock all night.  

I could not be more excited.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Yes, I would say that I am actually sad, but the S.A.D I am referring to is more like Seasonal Affective Disorder AKA seasonal depression, etc.

I'm not sure I REALLY have this, but it sure feels like it.  We have had nothing but rain since Sunday.  The gloom outside is definitely not helping my already down-in-the-dumps attitude.  

Now the real question is: Am I more down-in-the-dumps than usual because of the weather? Or, is Mother Nature giving us this weather because I am so down that she can't help it?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Is It Friday Yet?

I am currently on maternity leave from work.  I go back to work at the end of October.  Since giving birth to Thing 2 my days were running together.  I really had no concept of what day of the week it was.  I really only sort of knew the days of the week once Fuzz went back to work after taking some time off after Thing 2 was born.  Since all my days ran together I kind of ignored comments from friends about how it was Monday again, or could it be Friday yet.  Being on leave meant that I didn't have to wish for Friday to come faster.  Now I sit here wishing for Friday more than I ever have before.

Better yet... Can we just fast-forward the next 12 weeks?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Call

"Write down this emergency number.  I can't call again until Friday.  I want you to know I'm here, I'm safe, and I love you."

Then he was gone.

This is the phone call I received about 2 hours ago.


He left today with us thinking he would not be able to call until Friday on his way home (he has to drive the nearly 5 hours back home every Friday night and then back to the Academy on Sunday).

A friend that was at the same Academy recently, said that his class did well enough that they had about 10 mins total to get to their cars, make their calls, and then be back to wherever they were.  That happened mid-week.  We were hopeful that this might be the case this time.

I almost think this phone call might have been harder than not talking to him at all.  Before I at least had the hope that he might call mid-week, but now I know he will not.

I guess that just makes Friday even better... Right?

And Thus It Begins...

We are definitely a "rookie cop" family.  Fuzz was sworn in a week ago.  This morning at 5:30 AM he packed up the car and left for the Police Academy that is nearly 5 hours away.

He left right after I put Thing 2 back down after a feeding.  We weren't going to wake Thing 1, but since she was freaking out over a lost pacifier in her bed... well, we figured she might as well say good-bye.  According to her Daddy has to "go away," but I don't know if she gets it yet.

She crawled in bed with me, we said goodbye, and the tears began to fall.... for me, and for my new officer.  He may kill me for writing that, being the tough cop and all, but he is human too.

It's not really the time away that is killing me, even though it partly is.  It's the no phone calls, no texts, no emails that is killing me.  When Fuzz worked at his other job, he did many days where he was not home all day and was still working past bedtime, but he always made the "night night call" to Thing 1, and was always in bed with me at some point in the night.  That might be what's killing me most.

I think it is extra hard because FIRST: I don't really know what's going on for him.  I don't like him not being able to check in and tell me how his day is going, or that he is okay.  I'm not sure I can wait until the weekend to find out how badly they are yelling at him, or how badly they are "beating up" on him.  SECOND: I am "stuck" home alone with a 2.5 year old, a 2 month old, and a mild case of post-partum depression.  I don't like to even mention the last bit out loud (or in writing in this case).  My post-partum hormones are still making me a little crazy.

I know Fuzz can handle whatever they throw at him, and I know he will be so preoccupied with his day that he won't have time to worry too much about us.  It's not him I am worried about... It's my brain thinking "how am I going to do this by myself for the next three months?"  That's what has me worried right now...

I know I will make it through this, it is only part way through day one... but it's going to be tough.

We Heart Our Cop!  And we miss him already!

A Little History

Hi.  I am Wife of Fuzz.  I wasn't always, but I am now.  I guess I should mention that I am more than just a wife to a police officer, but for the sake of this blog... that's who I am.  My husband, Fuzz, has wanted to be a Police Officer for quite some time now.  I can't really say when he first wanted to, but I know I helped give him the push in that direction.

Let's see... We met in high school (me one grade ahead of him).  We went to the same college (both graduating a semester early and again me one grade ahead of him).  We got married less than a month after I graduated, in 2006.  The whole time through college Fuzz worked as a Community Service Officer for a local police department.  He continued to work there after graduation, since neither of us found jobs pertaining to our degrees.  About a year and a half after we were married, he started working full-time as a CSO at a different department.  He continued working part-time at the other (until first child was born).  Somewhere in there he started taking police tests.

So, four + years later.... Fuzz has taken countless POWER tests, countless written tests, done who knows how many interview, and is on MANY MANY MANY police eligibility lists.  Oh yeah... and throw in the two little girls that we now have.  Thing 1 is 2.5 and Thing 2 is about to be 2 months.

Summer 2011 was definitely busy for us.  Mega storms caused damage and flooding to our area, Thing 2 was born in the midst of that, and a few days after leaving the hospital with Thing 2.... Fuzz gets THE CALL!

Cue me... freaking out a little.  Don't get me wrong... this is what he and we have been waiting for.  All the "it will happen when it's supposed to happen" comments.  I guess I just didn't expect THIS to happen as I was adjusting to being a family of four, instead of three.  In the days and weeks following Thing 2's birth Fuzz did background, interviews, tests, etc.  We knew it was going to happen.  It wasn't official until the beginning of this month though.  And not even that official until just recently.

Fuzz put in his papers at his old job, started at his new job, and he is now at the Police Academy....