Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Little History

Hi.  I am Wife of Fuzz.  I wasn't always, but I am now.  I guess I should mention that I am more than just a wife to a police officer, but for the sake of this blog... that's who I am.  My husband, Fuzz, has wanted to be a Police Officer for quite some time now.  I can't really say when he first wanted to, but I know I helped give him the push in that direction.

Let's see... We met in high school (me one grade ahead of him).  We went to the same college (both graduating a semester early and again me one grade ahead of him).  We got married less than a month after I graduated, in 2006.  The whole time through college Fuzz worked as a Community Service Officer for a local police department.  He continued to work there after graduation, since neither of us found jobs pertaining to our degrees.  About a year and a half after we were married, he started working full-time as a CSO at a different department.  He continued working part-time at the other (until first child was born).  Somewhere in there he started taking police tests.

So, four + years later.... Fuzz has taken countless POWER tests, countless written tests, done who knows how many interview, and is on MANY MANY MANY police eligibility lists.  Oh yeah... and throw in the two little girls that we now have.  Thing 1 is 2.5 and Thing 2 is about to be 2 months.

Summer 2011 was definitely busy for us.  Mega storms caused damage and flooding to our area, Thing 2 was born in the midst of that, and a few days after leaving the hospital with Thing 2.... Fuzz gets THE CALL!

Cue me... freaking out a little.  Don't get me wrong... this is what he and we have been waiting for.  All the "it will happen when it's supposed to happen" comments.  I guess I just didn't expect THIS to happen as I was adjusting to being a family of four, instead of three.  In the days and weeks following Thing 2's birth Fuzz did background, interviews, tests, etc.  We knew it was going to happen.  It wasn't official until the beginning of this month though.  And not even that official until just recently.

Fuzz put in his papers at his old job, started at his new job, and he is now at the Police Academy....

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